Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Rates/WaterTo pay your property rates or water notice, you will need your Assessment Number e.g. LRA 12345/1
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Parking InfringementsYou will need your infringement ticket number and vehicle registration.
Animal InfringementsYou will need your infringement ticket number.
Noise InfringementsYou will need your infringement ticket number.
Litter InfringementsYou will need your infringement ticket number.
Resource Management Act InfringementsYou will need your infringement ticket number.
Building Act InfringementsYou will need your infringement ticket number.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
DogsTo renew your dog registration you will need the Application for Re Registration received from the Invercargill City Council.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Dog ImpoundmentsTo pay your impoundment fees, you will need your Impoundment Reference Number.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Sundry DebtorsTo pay your sundry debtors account, you will need your Debtor Number e.g. DR 12345/1 and Invoice Number (optional).